Digital Nomad Visa

Digital Nomad Visa in Spain – Now, reaching Spain as a nomad is more than merely a daydream. It has become a reality. Yes! It’s true. The Government of Spain has issued new laws on digital nomad visas. 


Digital Nomad Visa in Spain – All You Need To Know

Digital Nomad Visa in Spain

Digital Nomad Visa in Spain – Now, reaching Spain as a nomad is more than merely a daydream. It has become a reality. Yes! It’s true. The Government of Spain has issued new laws on digital nomad visas. If you are a foreigner looking to work remotely from Spain, you can apply.


Spain has one of the best internet speeds. It’s precisely the place you are finding as a remote worker. Now, they are offering residency as well as tax advantages, but on certain conditions. So, if you want to live as a remote worker in Spain and want to obtain a Spain remote work visa, this article is undoubtedly for you.

We will make your path easy and provide you with a complete guideline about how to get a digital nomad visa. Move ahead with me!

New laws of remote visa in Spain are designed for mutual benefits :

Previously, the Spanish government introduced entrepreneur laws to attract foreign investment to Spain. It resulted in a golden visa, entrepreneur visa, etc. Surprisingly, the global landscape has changed, and reforms were required in that law.

Therefore, the government of Spain decided to amend those laws. Now, they have published new rules that can fit in and help Spain compete in the economic race. Their focus is more on startups and innovation. They want to bring more investors, entrepreneurs, and talented people to Spain. Therefore, Spain facilitates qualified people. They offer you a luxurious lifestyle.

Startup law is designed for more investment, which requires skilled and talented people. A digital nomad visa is required to bring that talent to Spain. So, this article is all about it. Our primary focus is on what a digital nomad visa is and how to get one in Spain.

Digital Nomad Visa: A residency permit

    • Obviously, talent is more than just EU people.It can be anywhere on Earth. The Government of Spain knows this, so it offers digital nomad visas.
    • A digital nomad visa is a residency permit that allows non-European Union citizens to come, live, and start work remotely from Spain.
    • With this permit, You can live up to five years in Spain and continue your work for the company abroad as well. So, no worries at all!

The new digital nomad visa options in Spain offer flexible pathways for remote workers.

    • The new digital nomad visa provides vast options to live and work legally in the country. Whether applying directly from Spain with a tourist visa or obtaining a 1-year visa from the home country, you can now enjoy extended stays with the 3-year residence permit card.
    • Luckily, these years count towards Spanish nationality and permanent residence, providing long-term options for you to make Spain your home.
    • It also allows you to add your family members to the application. Moreover, it gives tax benefits, as Spain aims to position itself as an attractive destination for the growing community of digital nomads and remote workers. However, it has some specific requirements.

Requirements for the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain:

The digital nomad visa, officially known as the “Visa de Residencia y trabajo Temporal para Trabajadores Remotos,” allows individuals to live and work in Spain while conducting remote work or freelance activities for companies outside of Spain.

Requirements for the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain:

Here are the general requirements for the digital nomad visa in Spain:

You have to provide Proof of Remote Work

    • You must provide evidence of remote work as a foreign employer or freelancer for clients outside of Spain.
    • Moreover, you must generate Contracts, client agreements, or letters from your employers verifying the nature of work and income source.

You have to demonstrate Financial Means.

    • It would help if you told them that you have sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay in Spain.
    • You must have a yearly income of €31,752, which is €2,646 per month. You must also tell them your educational background or experience of at least three years.

    You must have a Clean Criminal Record:

      • The government asks you to provide a criminal record certificate from your home country or any country where you have resided for the past five years.
      • The certificate should show no criminal convictions for serious offenses.

     It would help if you had a Valid Passport:

    If you want to stay in Spain without any tension, your passport must be valid for the duration of your stay. Moreover, it should have at least two blank pages for visa stamps.

    You have to provide proof of accommodation:

    Provide evidence of where you will be staying in Spain. This evidence could be a rental agreement, hotel reservation, or a letter of invitation from a host.

    Spain has Improved Income Tax Regime for Nomads Residence.

    There are many benefits to obtaining a digital nomad visa. But above all are certain tax benefits.

      • You have to pay significantly less in taxes compared to the regular income tax rates for Spanish residents.
      • Instead of a progressive tax rate that can go up to 48% for residents, you may pay a flat tax rate of just 24% on your income.
      • Furthermore, you can enjoy substantial savings on the income you generate while working remotely. If you have not been a tax resident in Spain for the past five years, you can benefit from the improved Non-Resident Income Tax Regime.
      • To be considered a non-resident for tax purposes, you will need to initiate a separate application process with the Spanish Tax Agency.
      • This application is typically completed within six months of your arrival to Spain. There are specific benefits for digital nomad visa holders; they may only pay a flat tax rate of 24% on their income derived from work if you meet all criteria. 
      • This favorable rate applies to income up to €600,000. The improved Non-Resident Income Tax Regime may eliminate the need to pay wealth tax.
      • Digital nomad visa holders may not be required to make the informative declaration known as model 720, which is related to foreign assets.

    Working for a Spanish Company with the Digital Nomad Visa

    Fortunately, as a digital nomad visa holder you have the flexibility to work for a Spanish company or client in addition to your remote work for a foreign company.

    But there are some limitations. To work in a Spanish company, you have to meet certain conditions. In addition to the Spanish company, you have to maintain a working relationship with the foreign company that allowed you to obtain the digital nomad visa.

    Digital Nomad Visa

      • Moreover, the income generated from the Spanish company should be at most 20% of your total income.
      • Working for a Spanish company maximizes opportunities for you as a digital nomad.
      • Indeed, a Spanish company can open new opportunities for you.
      • They provide you with a chance to engage with local businesses, industries, and clients.
      • It will enhance your professional network by building new connections and collaborations within the Spanish business community.
      • You can improve the Spanish language and their cultural understanding, which would make you more lively. All these benefits collaborate in bringing you financial stability.
      • You can now initiate your application process to benefit from this tailored visa designed for working remotely.
      • The wait is finally over! The new visa for remote workers in Spain is now available for application, effective from December 22nd.
      • If you’ve been dreaming of living and working remotely in Spain, now is the time to take the first step. Prepare your application, gather your documents, and submit it in a welcoming country.
      • Take advantage of this opportunity to make Spain your home base while enjoying the benefits of remote work and the beauty of Spanish culture and lifestyle.

    Apply right now! Here is a complete process

    Here is a simplified guide on how you can apply for the digital nomad visa in Spain, outlining the two options available for you as an applicant :

    1: Apply from Your Country of Origin

    You can apply from your country. You need to follow specific steps

    Gather all necessary documents as outlined by the Spanish authorities.

     They are also part of the requirements mentioned above. To make it easy for you, we are also enlisting them here. They are following:

      • Proof of remote work contract or freelance activity.
      • Passport with at least 12 months’ validity.
      • Completed visa application form.
      • Bank statements or proof of financial means.
      • Private health insurance coverage.
      • Clean criminal record certificate.
      • Other documents specified by the consulatez.

    Submit Application to the Spanish Consulate:

      • Visit or contact the nearest Spanish consulate or embassy in your country.
      • Submit your visa application along with all required documents.
      • Pay the visa application fee, if applicable.

    Attend Biometrics Appointment (if required):

    Some consulates may require a biometrics appointment for fingerprinting and a photo.

      • Wait for Processing: The Spanish authorities will process your application. Processing times vary, so be patient.
      • Receive Visa Decision: Once processed, you will receive a decision on your visa application. If approved, you will receive a visa in your passport.
      • Travel to Spain: With your approved visa, you can travel to Spain within the validity period of the visa.
      • Register with Local Authorities: After arriving in Spain, register yourself with the local authorities (Oficina de Extranjeros) within the first 30 days.
      • Obtain Residency Card: After registration, you will receive a residency card (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero – TIE)

    2: Apply Directly from Spain (Fast-Track Application)

    Enter Spain as a Tourist:

    Travel to Spain on a tourist visa. Prepare Required Documents:

    Gather all necessary documents for the digital nomad visa application.

      • Proof of remote work contract or freelance activity.
      • Passport with at least six months’ validity.
      • Financial means proof.
      • Private health insurance coverage.
      • Other required documents.

    Submit Application to Immigration Office (Oficina de Extranjeros):

    Visit the Immigration Office in Spain to submit your digital nomad visa application. Ensure all required documents are complete and in order.

      • Fast-Track Application: Benefit from the fast-track application process, with a response expected within 20 days.
      • Visit the Police Office for the Final Steps: As one of the final steps, visit the police office to register your fingerprints and receive your physical residency card (TIE).
      • Enjoy Your Stay: Once you have your residency card, you can legally live and work remotely in Spain for the specified duration of your visa (1 year initially, renewable for two additional years).



    Here are some important FAQs:

    1. What is the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain?

    The digital nomad visa is a type of visa designed for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens who work remotely for a foreign company or are self-employed. It allows individuals to live and work in Spain while maintaining their remote employment status.

    2. Can I Apply for the Digital Nomad Visa Directly from Spain?

    Yes, you can also apply for the visa directly from Spain. This involves entering the country as a tourist and then submitting your application at the Immigration Office (Oficina de Extranjeros).

    3. What Rights Do I Have with the Digital Nomad Visa?

    With the visa, you have the right to live and work remotely in Spain. You can also access healthcare services and enroll in Spanish language courses.

    4: Can I Apply for Permanent Residency After Holding the Digital Nomad Visa?

    Yes, after living in Spain for five years as a digital nomad visa holder, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency.

    5. Can I Work for a Spanish Company with a Digital Nomad Visa?

    Yes, you can work for a Spanish company, provided that the income from the Spanish company does not exceed 20% of your total income.


    Hence, obtaining the digital nomad visa in Spain opens the door to a world of opportunities for remote workers seeking a vibrant and culturally rich base for their professional struggle. With the digital nomad visa, you can enjoy the flexibility of working remotely for a foreign company or as a self-employed entrepreneur while enjoying diverse Spanish culture. The visa not only grants the freedom to explore Spain’s stunning landscapes and historical sites but also provides access to essential services such as healthcare and language courses.

    Furthermore, the visa’s renewal options and potential for permanent residency after five years offer long-term stability for those looking to establish roots in Spain. The added benefit of tax advantages, such as the Non-Resident Income Tax Regime, adds another layer of appeal for digital nomads seeking financial efficiency.

    So, you must apply for a digital nomad visa if you can fulfill all the requirements mentioned above.

    obtained Digital Nomad Visa

    assisted Clients


    satisfied clients


    The visa for international teleworking allows you to enter and reside in Spain for a maximum of one year while you work for yourself or for employers anywhere in the world.

    Moreover, the residence authorization for international teleworking permits foreigners already in Spain on a regular basis — such as students or teleworking visa holders nearing the end of their one-year residence period — to apply for a residence permit. This permit is valid for up to three years and renewable for an additional two years. After five years, it is possible to obtain permanent residency.


    • Qualified professionals who can prove that they are graduates or postgraduates from universities or business schools of recognized prestige, or;

    • Persons with a minimum professional experience of three years.


    General requirements:

    • Not to be irregularly present in Spanish territory.

    • Be over 18 years of age.

    • Not to have a criminal record.

    • Not to appear as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement.

    • To have public or private health insurance arranged with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain.

    • To have sufficient economic resources for themselves and their family members during their period of residence in Spain.

    • To pay the fee for the processing of the authorization or visa.

    In addition to the general requirements, the following must be accredited:

    • The existence of a real and continuous activity for at least one year of the company or group of companies with which the worker has an employment or professional relationship.

    • Documentation accrediting that the labor or professional activity can be carried out remotely.

    • For those with an employment relationship, it’s necessary to prove the existence of this relationship with a company not located in Spain for at least the last three months before applying. Additionally, documentation confirming the company’s permission for the employee to work remotely must be provided.
    • In cases involving a professional relationship, the individual must demonstrate a commercial relationship with one or several companies outside of Spain, also for at least the last three months. Furthermore, documents must be provided to verify the terms and conditions under which they will conduct their professional activities remotely.


    Visas will be issued by the Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices of Spain. Visa applications will be resolved and notified within 10 working days.

    The processing of the authorizations will be carried out by the Unit of Large Companies and Strategic Groups. The maximum term of resolution will be 20 days from the date of the request.

    Digital Nomad Visa in Spain


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    Digital Nomad Visa in Spain
    Emily Thompson

    Digital Nomad Visa

    We had work with Marfour to get our Digital Nomad Visa. They have supported us in all steps of the process. Their immigration service was exceptional. Thank you very much Marfour for all your help.
    Digital Nomad Visa in Spain
    Sahra Johnson

    Digital Nomad Visa

    I could not have gotten my Digital Nomad visa without you guys. Thank you very much.
    Digital Nomad Visa in Spain
    John K

    Digital Nomad Visa

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    Digital Nomad Visa in Spain
    Fatima Mouliki

    Digital Nomad Visa


    Thanks to our English-speaking immigration lawyers in Spain, we can offer you the tailored legal advice your are looking for your digital nomad visa. Marfour is your English-speaking law firm in Spain. Do not hesitate to send us your enquiry.

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