What is a Spanish Digital Certificate and what purpose does it serve?

A Spanish Digital Certificate is an online certification of identity recognized by the Spanish Authorities. It allows you to officially and digitally prove your identity, thereby eliminating the need to physically visit institutions for various administrative processes. According to the official Website where you can obtain the certificate, the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre site (fnmt.es), it is used for:

  • Tax filing and payment
  • Electronic signature for official forms and documents
  • Presentation of appeals and claims
  • Consultation and registration in the municipal registry (Padrón)
  • Completing population and housing census data
  • Traffic fines consultation
  • Consultation and procedures for grant applications
  • Consulting on polling station distribution

What are the requirements?

Any Spanish or foreign citizen, adult or minor emancipated, possessing their DNI (National Document of Identity) or NIE (Identification Number for Foreigners in Spain), can apply and obtain their digital certificate free of charge to sign and certify their identity securely on the Internet. For most, if not all, administrative processes that require the digital certificate, a NIE is needed, even if visiting the institution physically. Therefore, obtaining a digital certificate is always advantageous.

What about the process itself?

The process to obtain a digital certificate can be completed through the FNMT website (fnmt.gob.es). You will need to install software depending on your computer’s operating system. Then, as a foreigner, you will use your NIE and email address to register online and obtain the digital Certificate. Alternatively, if you prefer assistance, you can visit one of the FNMT or Tax Agency offices to confirm your identity in person. However, our law firm can handle the process on your behalf to avoid the inconvenience of physical confirmation.

How and why should Marfour assist you?

Marfour can assist you throughout the entire process, from obtaining the NIE to acquiring the digital certificate, and guiding you through the various procedures enabled by the digital certificate. Whether you need assistance in scheduling a padrón appointment, locating the appropriate official form or document for signature, or filing your tax declaration online, do not hesitate to contact us at info@marfourlaaw.com
