Hey there! So, you’re thinking about the Requirements to Obtain Spanish Citizenship? Well, you’re in the right place. Whether you’ve fallen in love with Spain’s sun-soaked beaches, the vibrant culture, or just the idea of sipping wine in a plaza while time slows down, becoming a Spanish citizen opens up a world of opportunities. But let’s be honest; the process can feel like navigating a maze with no map. Don’t worry, though—I’ve got you covered. This guide is like your GPS, breaking down the requirements, the steps, and even the perks of holding that shiny Spanish passport. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Basics of Meeting the Requirements to Obtain Spanish Citizenship

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, it’s essential to understand what it takes to become a Spanish citizen. Spanish citizenship isn’t just handed out to anyone. You need to meet specific criteria, which involves more than just paperwork. Spain wants to ensure that those who become citizens are genuinely invested in the country and its way of life.

Residency as the Foundation for Your Application

The first and most crucial requirement for Spanish citizenship is residency. You must have lived in Spain legally and continuously for several years to apply. For most people, this period is ten years. However, there are exceptions. 

You may be eligible after just two years if you’re from a country with historical ties to Spain, like those in Latin America, the Philippines, or Portugal. If you’re married to a Spanish citizen or have children who are Spanish citizens, the residency requirement drops to one year. This step isn’t just about time spent in Spain but about showing commitment to community involvement.

Demonstrating Your Integration into Spanish Society

Living in Spain for the required number of years is just the beginning. Spain wants to know that you’ve integrated into its society. This means speaking the language, understanding the culture, and adhering to the laws. By passing tests, you must demonstrate your Spanish culture and legal system knowledge. 

These include the DELE A2 or higher level for language proficiency and the CCSE exam, which covers constitutional and socio-cultural knowledge. Think of this as Spain’s way of ensuring you’re ready to join the family, not just as a visitor but as a faithful member.

Proving Your Legal Residency with Proper Documentation

When applying for Spanish citizenship, having your paperwork in order is essential. You’ll need proof that you’ve been living in Spain legally. This includes documents like your residency card, a registration certificate from your local town hall, and evidence of regular income, such as employment contracts or bank statements. These documents help show that you’ve been a law-abiding resident, contributing to society and the economy.

Financial Stability as a Key Requirement

Spain wants to ensure that those applying for citizenship are financially stable. This requirement means you must provide evidence that you can support yourself and your family without relying on government assistance. You may need to show bank statements, proof of employment, or other forms of income. Financial stability is seen as a sign of your ability to live independently in Spain, contributing to the country rather than being a burden.

Dual Citizenship and What It Means for Your Application

One big question is whether they can keep their original nationality when becoming a Spanish citizen. Spain generally requires new citizens to renounce their previous citizenship, but exceptions exist. You can keep both passports from an Ibero-American country, Andorra, the Philippines, or Portugal. This provision is based on historical ties and mutual agreements between Spain and these countries, allowing you to maintain a connection to your homeland while embracing your new Spanish identity.

How Do I Become a Spanish Citizen? Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the step-by-step guide to applying for Spanish citizenship. Each step is crucial, so understanding what’s required at each stage can help ensure that your application goes smoothly.

How Do I Become a Spanish Citizen? Step-by-Step Guide

Determine Your Eligibility

Before diving into the application process, confirming that you meet the basic eligibility requirements for Spanish citizenship is essential. These include:

  • Residency: Most applicants must have lived in Spain legally and continuously for ten years. However, exceptions exist for those married to Spanish citizens, citizens of Ibero-American countries, and those with Spanish ancestry. The residency requirement may be reduced to one or two years in these cases.
  • Good Conduct: You must have a clean criminal record in Spain and your home country. Background checks will be part of the application process, so any past legal issues could affect your eligibility.
  • Financial Stability: You need to prove that you can support yourself and your family without relying on public assistance.

You can proceed with the application once you’ve confirmed that you meet these essential criteria.

Gather the Necessary Documents

Documentation is the backbone of your application. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Residency Card: This proves your legal status in Spain.
  • Certificate of Registration (Empadronamiento): You’ll need to obtain this from your local town hall, showing that you’ve been registered as living at your current address.
  • Proof of Income: Documents such as employment contracts, bank statements, or tax returns are necessary to show that you have a stable financial situation.
  • Birth Certificate: A certified copy of your birth certificate, ideally translated into Spanish by an official translator.
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable): If you’re applying based on marriage to a Spanish citizen, you must include your marriage certificate, which is also translated into Spanish.
  • Criminal Record Certificates: You’ll need a certificate of good conduct from your home country and Spanish authorities. Both should be recent, usually no older than three months.
  • DELE and CCSE Exam Certificates: These certificates prove your knowledge of the Spanish language and Spanish culture, which are mandatory for the application.

Having all these documents ready before you start your application can save you time and stress later.

Take the Required Exams

Before submitting your application, you’ll need to pass two exams:

  • DELE Exam: This test assesses your Spanish language skills. Most applicants need to achieve at least an A2 level, demonstrating basic Spanish proficiency. The exam covers reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  • CCSE Exam: This is the Constitutional and Socio-Cultural Knowledge exam. It tests your understanding of Spain’s constitution, culture, history, and society. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions to ensure you know key aspects of Spanish life.

Preparing for these exams is essential, especially if your Spanish language skills are still developing. Many applicants find taking a preparation course or using online study materials helpful.

Submit Your Application

You can submit your application with your documents in order and exams passed. Here’s how:

  • Visit Your Local Civil Registry Office: Applications for Spanish citizenship must be submitted in person at the Civil Registry Office in the area where you reside. This step can’t be done online, so you must make an appointment.
  • Complete the Application Form: You’ll need to fill out the official application form, providing detailed information about yourself, your residency in Spain, and your reasons for applying for citizenship.
  • Submit Your Documents: You must submit all the necessary documents along with the application form. Make sure they are organized and presented in the order required by the office.
  • Pay the Application Fee: Your application will be processed for a fee. The amount can vary, so check with your local Civil Registry Office for the current fee.

Once your application is submitted, you’ll receive a receipt confirming that your paperwork has been accepted. This receipt is essential to prove that your application is being processed.

Attend an Interview (if required)

Sometimes, you may be called for an interview with Spanish authorities. The interview is typically a chance for officials to verify the information in your application and ask additional questions about your integration into Spanish society.

  • Prepare for the Interview: If you’re called for an interview, it’s a good idea to review your application and be ready to discuss your reasons for seeking citizenship. The interview is usually in Spanish, so it’s also a language proficiency test.
  • Bring Original Documents: You may be asked to bring original copies of your documents to the interview, even if you’ve already submitted copies of your application.

Not everyone is required to attend an interview, but it’s an important step in the process if you are.

Wait for the Decision

After submitting your application and attending any required interviews, the next step is to wait. The processing time for Spanish citizenship applications can vary widely.

  • Be Patient: The process can take anywhere from one to three years, depending on your specific circumstances and the workload of the Civil Registry Office handling your case.
  • Stay Informed: You can check on the status of your application by contacting the Civil Registry Office or by visiting their website if they offer online tracking.

During this time, it’s crucial to maintain your legal residency in Spain and continue complying with all legal requirements.

Oath of Allegiance and Final Steps

If your application is approved, the Civil Registry Office will notify you. The final steps include taking an oath of allegiance to the King and the Spanish Constitution.

  • Attend the Oath Ceremony: You’ll be required to attend a ceremony where you will formally swear allegiance to Spain. This ceremony is a legal requirement and marks the official grant of citizenship.
  • Receive Your Spanish Citizenship Certificate: After taking the oath, you’ll receive a certificate of Spanish citizenship. This document is crucial; you’ll need it to apply for a Spanish passport and national ID card.
  • Apply for a Passport and National ID Card: With your citizenship certificate, you can apply for a Spanish passport and a national ID card (DNI). These documents will officially mark you as a Spanish citizen and allow you to enjoy all the rights and privileges that come with it.

How to Apply for Spanish Citizenship and What You Need to Know?

Once you’ve met the basic requirements, the next step is applying for Spanish citizenship. This part of the process can seem daunting, but with the proper preparation, you can navigate it smoothly.

How to Apply for Spanish Citizenship and What You Need to Know?

Language and Culture Exams

You’ll need to pass two critical exams as part of your application. The first is the DELE exam, which tests your Spanish language skills. You’ll need to achieve an A2 level, demonstrating basic proficiency. The second is the CCSE exam, which covers knowledge of Spain’s constitution, culture, and society. 

This exam ensures you understand the country’s laws and customs, helping you integrate more fully into Spanish life. Preparing for these exams is crucial, so consider taking a prep course or studying with materials available online.

Exceptional Cases: Citizenship by Descent or Marriage

Obtaining citizenship might be more straightforward if you have Spanish ancestry or are married to a Spanish citizen. Citizenship by descent allows those with Spanish parents or grandparents to apply for citizenship with fewer residency requirements. 

Similarly, if you are married to a Spanish citizen, you can use it after just one year of legal residency in Spain. These routes are faster and often less complicated, but they require you to meet specific criteria and provide appropriate documentation.

Benefits of Obtaining Spanish Citizenship and What It Means for You

Now that you understand the application process let’s discuss why it’s worth it. What makes Spanish citizenship such a coveted status?

Freedom to Live and Work in the European Union

One of the biggest perks of obtaining Spanish citizenship is that it gives you the right to live and work anywhere in the European Union. This freedom means you can move to France, Germany, Italy, or any other EU country without a visa or work permit. It’s like having an all-access pass to some of the most desirable places in the world. For many, this freedom is one of the main reasons for pursuing Spanish citizenship.

Benefits of Obtaining Spanish Citizenship and What It Means for You

Access to Social Services and Benefits

As a Spanish citizen, you’re entitled to the same social services and benefits as any other Spaniard. This includes access to Spain’s public healthcare system, known for its high quality and affordability. You’ll also be eligible for public pensions, unemployment benefits, and other social services that help improve your quality of life. These benefits are a significant safety net, providing peace of mind and security for you and your family.

Right to Vote and Participate in Public Life

Becoming a Spanish citizen also gives you the right to vote in national and local elections. This means you can have a say in how the country is run and contribute to the political life of your community. In addition to voting, you can also run for public office, allowing you to take an active role in shaping the future of Spain. This level of participation is a privilege that comes with citizenship and is a powerful way to make your voice heard.

Security of Holding a Spanish Passport

A Spanish passport is a travel document and a powerful tool that opens worldwide doors. With a Spanish passport, you can travel to over 180 countries without a visa or with a visa on arrival. This access makes travel more convenient and less stressful, whether on vacation or for business. Moreover, a Spanish passport can offer security during political or economic instability, providing a stable and respected identity that can protect your rights abroad.

Cultural and Social Integration into Spanish Life

Finally, Spanish citizenship formally recognizes your integration into Spanish society. It’s a sign that you’ve embraced the country’s language, culture, and way of life. This integration goes beyond legal status—it’s about becoming part of the Spanish community and forming deep connections with the people and traditions that make Spain unique. For many, this sense of belonging is the most rewarding aspect of obtaining Spanish citizenship.


It’s natural to have many questions when it comes to something as significant as applying for Spanish citizenship. Here are some of the most common ones and straightforward answers to help you on your journey.

What Are the Residency Requirements for Obtaining Spanish Citizenship?

The standard residency requirement is ten years, but there are exceptions. If you’re from a country with close ties to Spain, such as those in Latin America, or married to a Spanish citizen, the requirement may be as short as one to two years. Understanding what applies to your situation is essential, as this will determine when you can apply for citizenship.

Can I Hold Dual Citizenship in Spain?

Spain generally requires new citizens to renounce their previous nationality. However, there are exceptions for citizens of Ibero-American countries, such as Andorra, the Philippines, and Portugal. If you qualify, you can keep both passports, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship. This can be a significant advantage, especially if you have strong ties to your home country.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for Spanish Citizenship?

You’ll need several essential documents to apply for Spanish citizenship. These include your residency card, a certificate of registration from your local town hall, proof of income or financial stability, and certificates that prove your legal status, such as birth and marriage certificates. Additionally, you’ll need to provide evidence of your integration into Spanish society, such as passing the DELE and CCSE exams.

How Long Does It Take to Get Spanish Citizenship?

The Spanish citizenship application process can take one to three years. This timeline depends on several factors, including the completeness of your application, the workload of the office processing your case, and any additional steps required, such as interviews or requests for more documentation. It’s essential to be patient and prepared for a lengthy process.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Spanish Citizen?

As a Spanish citizen, you’ll enjoy several benefits, including the right to live and work anywhere in the EU, access to social services and public healthcare, the right to vote and participate in public life, and the security of holding a Spanish passport. These substantial benefits can significantly enhance your quality of life, making it worthwhile to obtain citizenship.


Obtaining Spanish citizenship is a significant commitment that requires time, effort, and careful planning. But the rewards are substantial for those who are determined to make Spain their permanent home. From the freedom to live and work across the European Union to the security of holding a Spanish passport, the benefits of Spanish citizenship are numerous and far-reaching. By following the steps outlined in this guide and preparing thoroughly for the application process, you can increase your chances of success and look forward to a bright future as a Spanish citizen.
