Do you have to leave Spain, but you are not going to have your residence card with you because it is still in process or that you are still waiting for a duplicate or TIE Card?

If you are in this situation, the solution is to apply for a “Autorizacion de Regreso – Return Authorization”.

Our immigration lawyers in Spain can help you to obtain this authorization immediately.  

To obtain your Return Authorization, you have to prove the reason of your departure as for instance.   

The Return Authorization is issued by the police and will permit you to leave and return to Spain without having your residency card or your renewed permit. This document is valid during 3 months from the moment it is issued by the police.   Our English-Speaking lawyer in Spain will provide you the list of documents and the necessary documents to process this return authorization. 

However, keep in mind that this Return Authorization allows you to return exclusively from Spanish border. Then, if you make a stepover in any other Schengen Area countries (Germany, France, Italy…) you could have some problems.

In order to obtain your Return Authorization, you have to prove the reason why you why you need to travel.  

The process is handled at the immigration office of the city of your residence at Marfour international law firm we can assist you with the whole process.