Requirements For Renewing And Keeping Your Work Permit in Spain / Spanish CUENTA AJENA Residency Permit

What are the Requirements for keeping my CUENTA AJENA PERMIT?

I hold a “cuenta ajena” residency permit and I want to renew my Spanish work permit. Indeed, it is the most frequently asked question by our customers at Marfour International Law Firm. In this article, you can find the answer to this question from a specialist immigration lawyer.

The authorization will be renewed 60 days prior to its expiration date or 90 days after its expiration date. Therefore, in order to proceed with the renewal, one of the most important requirements is to be able to prove one of the following assumptions according to Spanish immigration law:

  • To continue the employment relationship that gave rise to the granting of the authorization whose renewal is sought.
  • To have worked for a minimum of three months per year and to be in one of the following circumstances:
  • To have signed an employment contract with a new employer in accordance with the characteristics of the authorization to work and to be in a situation of high or assimilation at the time of the application.
  • To have a new contract that guarantees the requirements established in article 64 and with the beginning of validity conditioned to the concession of the renewal.
  • That the employment relationship that gave rise to the authorization whose renewal is sought was interrupted for reasons beyond his/her control, and that he/she has actively sought employment, by registering with the competent Public Employment Service as a job seeker.
  • To have been granted a contributory unemployment benefit.
  • To be a beneficiary of a public economic assistance benefit aimed at achieving social or labor insertion.
  • To have terminated or suspended the employment relationship as a consequence of the worker being a victim of gender violence.
  • To have been working and registered with the Social Security for a minimum of nine months in a period of twelve, or eighteen months in a period of twenty-four, provided that:
  • The last employment relationship was interrupted for reasons beyond the worker’s control.
  • The last employment relationship was interrupted for reasons beyond the employee’s control.

This renewal procedure can sometimes be quite complex, which is why at Marfour International Law Firm, you have at your disposal expert lawyers in Spanish work permits who can file the work permit on your behalf, coordinate with you the collection of the documents, and follow up your application until you receive a decision.

Leal note:  

Please note that blog content may be updated over time pending changes in the law or administrative practices. We recommend seeking professional advice based on your individual circumstances.