What is a Spanish research residence permit?

According to the 14/2013 Law, the research residence permit is a residence and work authorization given to foreigners starting RDI activities in Spain.

Those foreigners can be scientific and technical personnel who carry out scientific research, development and technological innovation work in business entities, researchers hosted within the framework of an agreement by public or private research organizations or professors hired by universities, bodies or centers of higher education and research, or business schools established in Spain (Art 72 law 14/23) and also PhD students who have been included in a research project of the university.

Also the fourth additional provision of Law 14/2013 establishes that the family members such as the spouse/husband and children of the researcher can be added to the application and would obtain a residence permit with a work authorization valid in the Spanish territory.

How can I know if I’m eligible to apply for it?

You are eligible to apply for the research residence permit if you complete the following requirements :

  • Having one of the profits mentioned above.
  • Being over 18 years of age
  • Not being an EU citizen.
  • Having no criminal record in Spain and in the countries where you have resided in the last five years for crimes provided for in the Spanish legal system.
  • Not being listed as liable to be refused entry in the territorial area of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to that effect.
  • Having documentation to prove the professional qualification required for the job.
  • Having public or private health insurance taken out with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain.
  • Having sufficient financial resources for yourself and your family members, if applicable, during your period of residence in Spain.
  • Make the corresponding payment for the application.

How can I apply for it and how long does the process takes?

The foreigners cannot start the application process before the hiring institution initiates it and gets an approval. Once it gets approved, the foreigner will then be able to apply for his or her residence permit.

The residency can be requested from Spain as a tourist or from your home country. However, keep in mind that the application must be submitted completely online through the electronic system of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. Its resolution period is approximately 20 days.

How long is my residence permit valid for?

The period of validity of a residence authorization for research is up to three years or equal to the duration of the hosting agreement or contract, following each case it can be shorter. Nevertheless, if the duration is less than 6 months the foreigners shouldn’t apply for a TIE or a physical residency card.

My Spanish residence permit is expiring soon, what should I do?

Once this period has almost expired, the foreign researcher may request the renewal of the residence authorization as long as he/she have maintained the conditions based on which the permit was granted. That’s why 60 days before the expiration date of the validity of their residence permit or 90 days following the date on which the validity of the residence permit has expired, the researcher must communicate by electronic means to the Large Companies and Strategic Groups Unit the desire to stay. The term to resolve this extension will be 20 days as well.

Also, once the research activity has been completed, foreigners may remain in Spain for a maximum period of twelve months to seek suitable employment in relation to the field of research carried out or to undertake a business project.